
Just a smattering of hundreds of Testimonials from Members.

If you’d like to add yours, simply email me here





I do so appreciate all the work that you do: it is so much more than we the buyers see in our packages. I am so grateful.

With love,



Can’t believe we hadn’t come across your site before, my wife been taking these for years on advice of a Dr who was helping her with ME & Fibromyalgia must be 15-20 yrs ago, but only at 3-4/day and not religiously! 
I think she was on a higher dose initially but can’t recall why/when we reduced; sounds like we’ve wasted a lot of money over the years taking the reduced dose!!
Her symptoms are still pretty severe so we’ll try the full dose now and see how it goes????????


Hi Lynne

Just a side note re the 8 caps a day.  I have recently starting taking the full dose again as now I’ve reached the grand old age of nearly 52 I’ve noticed that my skin definitely benefits from it.

The skin on my face I think is a little softer so I guess from a vanity point of view that’s a good enough reason for me to take the 8.

From a ME point of view I probably don’t need the full dose but I do believe that your body never fully recovers from this and like any virus can lay dormant.

I’m a prime example of this, having suffered terribly even to the point of not working full time etc with ME to making what I would say as good a recovery as anyone could, however, because I later developed a stomach condition which put added stress on my body and had a full blown relapse and by that I mean full blown to the point I had to leave work for a year.

Lynne in that year my sister in law who bizarrely also started suffering with CFS, which it was then branded as, told me about Vegepa and I started to take it.

Within 3 months my head symptoms, which were my worst symptom, improved significantly.  I used to say that those 8 little pills saved my life because within that year I wasn’t getting better at all and I knew all about the Pacing etc etc it just had a hold of me and there was no way out.

So back to the present I’m now in Peri-menopause and believe the tiredness and some strange symptoms are from that but best to protect myself anyway and any prolonged stress in my stomach could send me right back to those dark days again.

So Lynne for now I’m taking the 8 capsules again.

Just wanted to share, I know you must hear loads of stories but just as a side note, the benefits to  ladies of a certain age is also something worth shouting about.

Best Regards,



Dear Lynne,

Feel free to quote what we’ve said about our son.
His name is Sam and he is 17 now.
Sam has spent most of the last two years out of school and received home tuition from the Out of School Tuition Service, he took four GCSE’s at home last summer and passed them all. (Our goal was to take them not pass them!)
Sam started sixth form and loved being back at school, unfortunately I think it was too much too soon so has been absent from school for a couple of months now.

Although he is suffering very much with fatigue his mental capacity hasn’t relapsed too much and we are putting that down to the Vegepa.
When Sam was very ill previously he could hardly put a sentence together or comprehend instructions or conversations.
It is so encouraging to hear of stories like your daughter’s, and know that one day there will be recovery; we have to keep positive as a family and remind Sam there will be lots of time for his education when he is well.
We appreciate the work you do and the donations to the Biobank.
Kind regards and many thanks,
K and G


Dear Lynne, as you can see – I am so excited to continue the protocol of taking 8 capsules a day for the next couple of month and hope that this will support and stabilize me even further in my recovery process.

Starting these capsules was definitely a turning point for me :).

Thank you so very much! Warm regards,


Hi Lynne
Thanks so much for the speedy response – order came today and I had literally used my last 4 VegePar this morning!
I do think it has helped my fatigue (not cured, but definitely better)
Thanks for the wonderful job you are doing 

Dear Lynne
I read your heartfelt message, what a huge burden it must be, my heart goes out to you, as do my heartfelt thanks for all your continued hard work and commitment. I’ve no idea where you live, if you were close by I’d offer to give you a helping hand.
I’ve just seen Ollie and his video when he was a puppy, bless, dogs such wonderful family members.
Keep well, thank you again, you are a wonderful person.
Best wishes,
S x
You’ve probably caught the brainfog from us pwME , though , seriously , I think it’s probably stress from all you’re doing to support us all ?
Thanks so much for your service to those of us who really need a champion like you . I love this “please take the very best care of yourself that you can manage,” as it shows how much you understand how I and the rest of the M.E. community feel .
Long may you continue.
These pills are helping my husband, Paul and myself in lots of ways ..thank you for making it so affordable.
All the best for 2023!
Sharon (Australia)
Dear Lynne,
I have ordered another 10 boxes and payment is on the way by bank transfer. We thought we had placed a recent order and received the package because I remember signing for them but seem to have run out quicker than we expected. Can you check when we last ordered?

Thanks Lynne, it seemed like just last week!  Doesn’t time just fly by when your feeling good!!

All the very best


Dear Lynne,



I’m so sorry, I meant to reply and thank you weeks ago and to let you know that the packages arrived safely. 
Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the work that you do to keep the vegepa scheme running and realise how much work it must be. 
I hope this finds you well?
Thanks again and take care,
Warmest wishes,
Dear Lynne,


Thank you in advance for my latest order of 18 boxes of Vegepa.

I’ve just done the Bank Transfer for £181.75 so the money should be with you very soon.

Very best wishes to you as usual, and thank you once again for the wonderful help and support you provide, and the terrific service in packaging all that Vegepa (eight capsules every day without fail!!!) ready for posting.

Yours as ever,

E x



Thanks very much , Lynne .
You are the one to thank , my dear , as you’re working so hard to help those of us who so need the research .
I do take the best care of myself I can and you must do the same  . Put your own lifejacket on first and all that !
Regards ,
Dear Lynne,
Just to say that I’ve just done a BACS Transfer to you for £181.75 to cover my purchase of 18 boxes of Vegepa…..and thank you so much in advance for the usual brilliant service.
It’s just amazing, what a difference it makes, keeping a steady 4 plus 4 intake of Vegepa goin, every day…… experiments (yes, you may remember…… I’m quite good at those!)…. just a regular consistent intake.
There are enough other circumstances and conditions that affect people with M.E. and complicate their symptoms and thus their lives, but taking Vegepa consistently helps so much in keeping a steady threshold for coping with all that!
Hope you get some time off and a bit of a summer break.
Warm wishes,

Hello Lynne,

I hope that you are well and having a nice summer.

I have ordered 40 boxes of Vegepa today and transferred £414.15 by bank faster payment transfer which should have my name as reference automatically attached to it. Please let me know if it doesn’t work or isn’t clear.

Thankyou so much for all that you do for us, I appreciate how much of your time and energy you spend on us and I think that you are a saint to do all this.

With love,


……….   You take care and stay as lovely as you are too. The world needs folk
like you more than ever now.
love, sue.



Hi Lynne,
I first tried a fish oil back in 2006/7. It was recommended by a friend & came in liquid form by a company called EyeQ, now Equazen. I’d been lurching from one major relapse to another, regardless of pacing, CBT, diet or whatever I tried out!
After a couple of months on Vegepa my husband & I both agreed that there had been a noticeable improvement in my health. I can’t remember when I moved onto VegEPA, but a friend had read an article by Professor Puri & that was that! 


It’s not been plain sailing, but since then the longest I’ve had serious restrictions in my day to day life has been around 4 weeks at a time, & with long intervals between these relapses. An amazing improvement, which surely can’t just be coincidence!
So, compared with some, I’ve been lucky with my ME in that the last few years have seen hardly any major relapses. I definitely put that down to VegEPA. No more regular relapses for months at a time when I was pretty much housebound. Always grateful now for almost normal life!
LB, Queensland, Australia
Dear Lynne,
Thank you so much for your response. Its deeply appreciated.
Life is so full of confrontation of late that its a joy to communicate with a reasonable, kind & sane human being.
G xx
Dear Lynne. I’m so sorry that things have been so stressful  & challenging for you with overseas post. I want to thank you for the great work you.’ve been doing over the years, Also your kindness.
Always appreciated also your prompt response & efficiency. So sorry that you’re bowing out from EU orders. Its a tough time all round. No doubt.
With much gratitude.

Hi Lynne,

It is we who should be thanking you for all you do and all your understanding of the ME community.

Thanks for distributing the information too on Covid Vaccines.  I wrote to my MP about the fact that ME sufferers are not on the priority list even though several years ago Chris Witty’s predecessor said they should receive a free flu vaccine as a chronic neurological condition but it’s still not specifically listed.  

With regard to long covid and the disabling effect on people’s lives it is still not recognised as significant.  No surprise to us eh?!

Anyway thanks again and I look forward to receiving my little yellow capsules of hope, 

Kind regards and much love, 



          Thank you so much – my reward is her progress!!


There’s no reason at all not to stay on the 4 per day if you can afford it, I take 4 a day just to stay fit and healthy even though I’ve never had Depression or ME or any illness, touch wood.  Bit of arthritis but I reckon Vegepa helps with that too, especially the one with Glucosamine (OmegaFlex).  Of course it’s difficult to prove as it’s preventative but why take the risk and then regret it!
Keep up your sterling work mum!!
She’s staying on 4 a day for the mo. It’s only cleared two or three weeks ago… but it’s brilliant. You are changing lives! Please keep going!


P x
         Hi P and family,


ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED with your daughter’s good news!!!  Long may it remain so!
From many years of experience I’d suggest a low, daily maintenance dose though just to always stay on top of things. 
If ever she feels the need for a stronger boost when Life throws her a difficult challenge (and it will!), you’ll have her tried and tested weapon ready at hand and she won’t be building up her system from scratch all over again. 
Stay safe and sound,
Just to let you know that my daughter is now feeling back to normal, 8 weeks into the vegan oils.
Thank you!
Hi Lynne
Just letting you know that my VegEPA parcel arrived today! Many thanks for posting this so efficiently for me. I’m very grateful. Good on ya! (Although not sure if I’ve actually heard any Australians say that)!
Stay safe & well while things hopefully, settle a little.
Kind regards
Thank you Lynne,
You’re always so kind and I’m always eternally grateful that you run the Vegepa club.
You help so many of us and have been doing it stoically and heroically for years.
How are you and how is your family?
I’m doing ok thanks but still have long Covid, so similar to ME:CFS but with the addition of breathlessness and sporadic chest pain. I’m hoping that the focus on long Covid will reap benefits for us all with ME/CFS……
My husband found the oils from you worked beautifully for him many years ago and he’s been much better since taking them.
He is also stuck in New Zealand as he was visiting family when COVID struck. It’s a good place to be!
As information: I now take the Vegepa since 5 weeks and I feel a little bit better. Mein brainfog decreased, I am better able to concentrate and fit together complicated informations in my brain. I hope this will last.
I ordered the book Prof. Puri wrote and today it arrived. I’m looking forward for more information about Vegepa.
Thankyou for sending the boxes to all the poeple who need them 🙂
Hello Lynne,
Thank you so much for writing back to me.  I was taking eight a day, but had purpura marks on my legs  and got worried I was taking too much fish oil and it was causing blood thinning. I know now the little bruises were eczema damage to skin or viral stuff, though, and they’ve mostly gone since I took iron and folate. If I hadn’t been taking the vegepa, I think I’d have been in more trouble with the Covid.
I didn’t know ten capsules was safe so that’ s good to know.  I am giving my thirteen year old son four a day at the moment – he is learning disabled with temporal lobe epilepsy and it is helping a lot with the challenging behaviour. So I am thinking about raising his dose a little too.
Hi Lynne,
This is for an order of 10 VegEPA boxes.
The capsules have been helping me and my friend greatly over the past few months!
All the best, Natasha
Hi Lynne,
Just to let you know that my VegEPA parcel arrived safely here in Australia a couple of days ago. Apologies for not getting back to you sooner. A big thank you though for your wonderfully efficient service!
Kind regards
Hi Lynne,


Thanks for the lovely website and great research links!
It’s a great site.
I’m looking forward to trying VegEPA and have also bought some for a dear friend who has ME but hasn’t been able to afford these supplements. Fingers crossed!
All the best,
Best wishes and thank you so much for the incredible service you provide. There is no doubt it made a difference on my energy levels and cognitive function. I’m nowhere near back to normal but life is much better than it was before the vegepa, that’s for sure.
Kim 🙂
Dear Lynne
Thank you as always for running the Vegepa Club and all it entails – I am most grateful.
How are you managing in these strange times I wonder, and how is Ollie?
I think you are one of many keeping the country going. I am so grateful for the Vegepa – I am sure they are doing me the world of good.
Take great care and with best wishes from S
Thanks for your latest supply of vegepa! Excellent service in this difficult time.  We do not expect a reply as you are so busy.
Thanks again H and B
Dear Lynne,
     Bank transfer completed. Thank you for keeping the supplies going and we wish you and yours well.
L & R
Dear Lynne,
I usually order from you as I am a recovered CFS peeps. Thank you so much for what you do for me and the wider CFS community.  I for one really appreciate you.
Best wishes
Vanessa x
Dear Lynne,


Thank you so much for sending the big consignment of Vegepa so quickly.
I was a bit unsure about ordering such a large amount when you might be (understandably) subject to a panic-buying surge in demand by your other Private Vegepa Club members.
But I also know you appreciate having bigger orders because it means fewer fiddly packing jobs of smaller numbers of boxes  and thus more trips to the PO.
Anyway, opening those two parcels  yesterday, I was quite taken aback, because I suddenly got a strong warm feeling swell up  in my chest (a bit like I had, seeing a new grandchild for the first time) when I realised  just how much reassurance those two parcels of boxes had instantly given me, in the face of the Covid-19 uncertainties.
I had woken up in the night and known that, after all my experiments with not taking it, reducing the dose, or trying Echiomega instead of Vegepa,  that if I only had a decent supply,  then I would have the best  chance of staying at my best possible level of general health and not getting ill, no matter how many trips to Tescos I had to make in a time of self-isolating.
You must be run off your feet at the moment (I don’t know if you have  another day-job as well as packing up Vegepa and getting it to the post office) so I really appreciated your packing and sending those boxes in the face of the present crisis.
I got no help at all after being diagnosed with M.E. except for being sent to  a session with a  hospital consultant in rheumatology who didn’t seem to know as much about the condition  as I did; he  offered no suggestions at all for how I might cope, and neither did my GP.  I felt completely on my own.   But then I found you.
 And  when it comes to having a knowledgeable supportive person to turn to, you have filled that gap.  You’ve effectively become my very professional  go-to  companion in my   journey through M.E. because of the wonderful support and knowledge you provide.
Look after yourself as well as you can, and stay well!
A big virtual hug!
Very best wishes and many many thanks,
Dear Lynne, I am still not quite over the setback I experienced last autumn in connection with having to move and subsequently coming down with the flu.
Recovery from an additional infection on top of ME seems to be a slow process. I can finally see myself making some progress, though, and I feel that things are going in the right direction again. As long as I stick to my recovery plan, continue to use the Vegepa supplements, and try to rest as much as and whenever possible, I am hopeful to be able to get back to where I was last summer and eventually even better.
As always: Thank you so much for all that you do! It is so empowering to have options and an effective supplement available when dealing with this condition. Which in turn makes it possible to remain calm and optimistic even when a setback occurs.
My very best regards,


My big package of Vegepa arrived today, Lynne.  Each time I order some, I’m  so  grateful for the wonderful service you provide.  I shall never take it for granted.  (Plus it works!)  You’re a star!



Dear Lynne,

As you can see from the changed delivery address, I just moved. That was a lot to deal with and together with a severe cold that struck me down while trying to settle into my new place, it has set me back a bit in my recovery.

I am going to take the higher dosage of 10 per day that you recommend for a while and see if that helps. I am positive that things will stabilize themselves again with plenty of rest, good pacing habits and the supplements.

Thank you so much for what you do! Warm regards,



Dear Lynne

Thank you so much for taking the trouble to email good wishes about our move.

Thank you, moving day went well thanks to a blissfully dry day and we are now surrounded by boxes which need to be unpacked. I will take your excellent advice to pace myself and keep on taking the Vegepa!

Take great care, I hope things are going well in your life too?  You must still be grieving for your Mum – I do feel for you. That’s an ache which goes on and on, doesn’t it?

with much love from your grateful friend,



Hi Lynne,

I bought vegepa a few years ago and my family have bought me boxes over that time too.

I lost a job that I really enjoyed because of my symptoms with ME.
I stopped taking vegepa about a year  ago because I felt so well, better than I had in years with so much energy, I was sleeping better, no aches or pains. But now my symptoms are just as bad as when i was first diagnosed with ME.

I will definitely be taking 8 capsules a day and can’t wait to feel the way I felt after I first started taking vegepa I could feel the difference around 3 months. I know now I will never stop taking them and I’m really annoyed with myself for stopping.

Thanks Mags

Oh Margaret I could have written that email for you!!!  I just knew that was what had happened and I soooo wish I could have prevented it.

It’s an all too common story unfortunately.
But you’ll get back to where you were before, no doubt about it, just find that infinite patience you had before.
Then don’t ever, ever stop taking the Vegepa!!!!!
I still take 4 a day, every single day, and so do many of my friends and Members who find themselves able to lead a perfectly normal life on the maintenance dose.
But first things first, let’s get you back to happy!!




Hi Lynne,

I can’t tell you how relieved I am to have got my own evidence of just how necessary  Vegepa is, in helping me live with ME.  

I’ve felt like a new person since I bought that one box on Friday….back to my more active self.  I had been wondering why I also felt like disengaging from social contact and not wanting to go out much when friends invited me, but now I realise just how much the absence of vegepa/EPA was gradually sapping my health and well-being.  

Thank you so much for all your encouraging words and reminders!Best wishes,



Hi Lynne,

I’ve been taking a maintenance dose of Vegepa for the past few years. During this time I re-started running & have coped well….
Recently I celebrated my 70th birthday by running 10k as part of the Reggae Marathon in Jamaica. It was wonderful!

Best wishes,




Hi Lynne,

Thanks for your email. Damian is on the road to recovery and we’re both convinced that the Vegepa has played an important role in that.

Thanks again,


Hi Lynne,Thank you for this and all that you do.

I think it is incredible that you should devote so much of your time to helping others in this way, it is very much appreciated.   

I function reasonably well day to day when I take 9+ VegEPA a day – other than being a bit tired most of the time, it works a treat. I get into trouble if ever I stop or reduce them (which I no longer do) or if I ease off avoiding foods with the bad oils in them (which I do more than I should….) 

Kind regards,



Hello Lynne,

Just to confirm that the payment should be in your account today.
I definitely find the Veg EPA helps and will continue to use it.
Regards,   Lesley x


Hi Lynne
Many thanks as ever for your excellent service.

I too am someone who has fully recovered from ME, but will always take my 4 VegEPA per day as i know this helps to keep me well and functioning at my best!

Best wishes

Hi Lynne,

Thank you for processing orders so quickly, I’m badly organised with the one thing I really need! Vegepa has made a huge difference, I’m studying at the moment and find my brain actually works! Once my course is finished for the summer

I plan to try some yoga and try to improve my fitness (gently).

Thanks once again for your hard work



….I am managing to keep on an even keel most of the time, with VegEPA & pacing, which isn’t too onerous as after so long, pacing has almost become as natural as breathing. I’ve even been able to return to work part-time, which has been fantastic.

All the best & thank you for all you do for those of us with M.E.

Kind regards,



Hi Lynne,
Thank you for this and all that you do. I think it is incredible that you should devote so much of your time to helping others in this way, it is very much appreciated.
I function reasonably well day to day when I take 9+ VegEPA a day – other than being a bit tired most of the time, it works a treat. I get into trouble if ever I stop or reduce them (which I no longer do) or if I ease off avoiding foods with the bad oils in them (which I do more than I should….)
Kind regards,


Thanks for posting the parcel today.  I thought I had another box lurking somewhere but I’ve obviously used it up so I shall look forward to receiving them.  Many thanks for your easy instructions on your website.  
I shall enjoy having a good look again at the website and FB page.
Thanks for all the good work you are doing.
Kind regards.


Hi Lynne,

Just a brief note to say thank you for the extremely quick delivery, My VegEPA’s arrived this morning (Monday) – much sooner than expected.

Rest Assured I will be ordering from you again !,

Kind Regards,



Hi Lynne

Big improvements for me, pacing, Vegepa, weight loss, removal of lots of stress due to lifestyle changes and a new puppy called Bob. Wheelchair ditched 6 months ago and now enjoying twice daily walks in the fresh air.
I can’t believe where I am now compared to 12 months ago.

I may be skint due to losing my job we as a family are richer now in so many other ways and thankful I have some normality compared to before.

Best Wishes



Hello Lynne,
Thanks for your quick response and your excellent service.

I know you detail delivery arrangements on the website, but the penny only dropped when your message arrived – there won’t be anyone here to sign for the parcel in the second half of the week.

Could you possibly delay posting until say Thursday? Please don’t put yourself out. I appreciate you must be very very busy. If it’s not practical to delay delivery, we can get to the local mail office to collect.

Congratulations on the website – best wishes for a happy Christmas and I hope you get a good rest in the new year.




Dear Lynne,

Thank you for sending everything so quickly, as it’s the first time I’ve done this, am impressed.

Also being our family’s packing queen, I noticed that your skill with the plastic wrapping is ace. A work of functional art.I have been told that I’m a bit better with taking these capsules, so if those long-suffering people around me are saying this then it is a very good thing.

Many thanks,



Hi Lynne,
Many thanks for your reply. I was a vegetarian for many years before I was diagnosed with M E. I only took the vegepa as I heard they were so brilliant …and they are! I am still a vegetarian as I do not not eat any meat or fish but stopped calling myself a veggie after taking the vegepa as obviously they are not vegetarian. The ‘normal’ ones helped me no end and happily I am almost leading a full life now but just have to be listening all the time to my body when it says stop….. I am so lucky.

I am just having a bad time with recently diagnosed arthritis and it is stopping me sleeping and I am getting easily fatigued so I decided to come back to vegepa iit seems to help with all sorts of things….I saw the vegetarian alternative and wondered if it was as effective?

I understand that you will find it difficult to say whether or not this us the case as you supply both products ….just wondered if you had feedback from anyone else? I will happily stick with originals if I am not 100% sure.



Hi Lynne,Thank you for your very very efficient despatch – it arrived the next day, so I was able to continue without break – fantastic!

Yes, I read somewhere about keeping fish oil capsules in the freezer to avoid fishy burps!! And in the very hot weather (when was that again?!) I started to keep them there again. Oil has a very low freezing point so it just ensures that they won’t oxidise.

Also to say thank you on behalf of all us ME sufferers for taking the time to continue to help us by providing these essential omega oils.Thanks and a big hug,



Hi Lynne,  

I’ve actually had a strong relapse during the summer – is that something you’ve heard others say?

Greetings, A

Dear A, Most people find they improve during the warmer weather but a considerable minority also find it affects their ME adversely.  You may have been overdoing things as the sun beckoned you outside, sleeping fitfully because of the heat,  or you may have had some stresses which you’re not really aware of til you sit down and think back.

Don’t worry though, fretting about a relapse, whether big or small, is not a good thing to waste your energy on.  Take the full Vegepa dose of 8 per day, make sure you Pace yourself properly and you’ll come back up again.
I always used to say to my daughter that every relapse comes to an end in the end!


Hello Lynne

My Vegepa has arrived. I definitely think things are starting to change with my fibromyalgia.  I am sleeping better, I can fall asleep and although I am still waking up I am managing to get a few hours sleep which is a big improvement.  I am still permanently stiff but not in pain all day (only at certain times) so hopefully things will continue to improve. The Private vegepa discount is a big help. Have a nice Christmas

I  x


Hi Lynne

 Thank you, as ever, for your fast and efficient service!  Bless you, working so hard!  I know everyone will be so thankful for it though – they are excellent savings!



When spoke to you a cope of months ago, I had suffered a horrendous relapse of my ME , after two months back on Vegepa  (8 cpsulesa day ) I feel that I have turned a corner ,and have hopefully eough brain power to order more!

Thank you for all your efforts , very much appreciated .

with best wishes



Btw, that Vegepa is great stuff. My 13 year old son has chronic fatigue syndrome and has been taking 8 capsules/day for around 3 months. Wow. He no longer looks spaced out and has been able to get back to his school work, almost to the level he was at before he became ill. (Still gets some physical post-exertional fatigue, but magnesium oil has made a big improvement on this.) ..shouldn’t have told you all of that because, according to my son, the doctor was wrong in diagnosing him with cfs!! He has banned us from mentioning it!

Apparently nobody thinks there is anything unusual about needing to spend 6 months in bed… All the best, hope you get lots of others who are improving with this stuff.



Hello Lynne Many thanks for sending my order so promptly.  It arrived yesterday.

I will be in touch again when it is time to re-order, and I will be happy to make a larger order, as suggested. Many thanks for all your help and encouragement.



Hi Lynne,

Just to let you know I received your package today, Friday 4/10/13, at 12.10pm. Thank you for your time and effort, for the prompt postage and excellent packaging. Much appreciated.

Best wishes



“Thanks Lynne for your wonderful encouragement. I really appreciate what you are doing. Keep up the good work. You are such an inspiration

Best wishes,



As requested in future I will use the order form. Thank you very much for your continued excellent assistance and service.



I’m writing – not before time – to thank you and the members of the Private Vegepa Club once again for your latest magnificent donation to the ME Association’s Ramsay Research Fund – our dedicated fund that supports biomedical research into this illness.

Your latest donation came to a total of £253.76.

Just to give a brief snapshot of the current research projects we are supporting:

*We are co-funders with Action for ME, ME Research UK and a private donor who was bought to the table by the MEA of the UK ME/CFS Biobank. ” We are supporting an assessment of mitochondrial dysfunction in muscle fibre associated with ME/CFS at the University of London (the mitochondria are the little ‘Duracell batteries’ in the body’s cells). *We’re funding a study at two European centres into the factors that that cause exercise-induced fatigue and post-exertional malaise in ME/CFS. * We’re funding further work being carried out by Professor Julia Newton’s team at Newcastle University into muscle fatigue in people with ME/CFS. To keep up to date with our research funding, please visit – where brief descriptions are available.

Thank you, once again, Lynne and everybody.

Tony Britton, Publicity Manager, The ME Association”


“I too am really grateful to you Lynne, for all you’ve done to make the supplement available to us though the PVC. I got an official diagnosis from the NHS but nothing else which compares with my daily supply of the supplement. X”



Dear Lynne

I’m sorry it has taken me a while to reply to thank you so much, again, for your amazing speedy delivery of the supplement. I’m really sorry not to have used the new forms and ordering page and will certainly do so next time.

I hope you are enjoying the recent sunshine. I planted some runner beans the other day so fingers crossed the sun stays with us! Thanks so much again for all that you do for ME research,

Best wishes



Thanks very much Lynne for your quick response.

I will follow your instructions below to put in a new order this evening.

Thanks again for running a great service; you’re a star.




Hi Lynne,

Thanks for your reply & the info’ about The Private Vegepa Club! I’ve been taking fish oil for many years and swapped to your supplement prompted by Dr. Sarah Myhill & Prof. Puri’s work. I’m very impressed by your pricing, as you’re several pounds cheaper than the cheapest bulk buying that I’ve found and used before!

Well done! I applaud you for doing this and making such a difference for so many people. And thank you for directing funding to research – we need the science to support change in the way ME is diagnosed & treated so much. [I wanted to say thank you for doing ‘something’!

It’s empowering to know that one determined person can make a difference!] with permission to publish from

“Liz S”


“I think of you every night, with gratitude, when I take my supplement!  I bought a huge amount not long ago, but am so glad that you will be there when I run out.”



Hi Lynne, just wanted to let you know that I have been taking the supplement for 5 months now and this past week have noticed a massive improvement .  Have been able to get jobs done that I only dreamt of tackling.

So, a huge thank you for making these little gems a bit more affordable.  Just hope I don’t get carried away whilst feeling good – got to remember the pacing!

Thanks Lynne,



So many of you send good wishes to my daughter and ask how she is.  Her slow improvement in the area of concentration and diminished brain fog, which began when she started her new regime, having been seriously ill for 6 years, and she eventually went part time to university, for just a couple of hours each week.  After a great deal of effort and 7 years later, she got her Degree (a First) and then her Masters and her PhD as well as travelling and enjoying life to the full. Her energy levels have shown a dramatic improvement and she now enjoys a life which hitherto was denied her since she became ill at 16. She now works as a University Lecturer.

It has been a long, long, bleak struggle over those 12 years for both of us and there were many, many times when we despaired at her ever recovering. We longed for a light at the end of the black tunnel which is the sad fate of so many sufferers and hopefully our journey and imprisonment are finally over for good. May such an improvement come to all my Members, sooner rather than later, and for those whose  journey has been even longer than ours, may your lives turn around too with a breakthrough in biomedical research to which we are all contributing via Vegepa Club



Dear Lynne, Thank you for letting me know about your amazing “even greater discount” which I can get via your Scheme. I will probably order 3 mailers when I next run out.

Thank you once again for running this marvellous discount scheme – it’s been a godsend!

Warm Regards,



Thank you Lynne. What a wonderful service you offer! These capsules are brilliant – can’t imagine life without them.

Kind regards

Heather xx


Dear Ms Kersh Just to say that the pills arrived on Saturday morning, to our amazement.

Many thanks



Lynne Just ordering my second batch of the supplement and wanted you to know that this is the second time in my monthly cycle I have felt on a level, I am not experiencing any pmt, no tears, no anxiety. As for my depression I am feeling very much better. My quality of life has been greatly enhanced.

I love them and you, they are life changing.




Hi, Just to say thanks. As on a trip back from Singapore my wife and I caught swine flu. That was in Sept, I never recovered.  Consulted the WWW and found you.  

Well, I started about 6 days ago. Normally I would not have expected any results for some weeks. However results have been very good. Myalgia is less, the bouts of fatigue have not decreased in power but have occurred less often. I have a good deal more mental energy and more physical. Time is still young but I hope to keep you informed.

Thanks again for all your help in making this incredible product available.

Every blessing



“May I say that since taking the supplement since the end of July I am now remarkably stronger. I truly am so much improved – long may it last! Don’t get so tired – walking well again, long may that last!

Also it was chance/meant to be that I came across Prof Basant Puri’s book in charity shop and naturally have been spreading the message about! “

FMH, Dorset


I must say that I have noticed significant improvements in health. The improvement in stamina and general energy is great. I hope it continues.

I found out about it when I went to Puri’s talk in Nottingham a few weeks ago.  Seem like he had a plausible scientific reasoning. Its the first thing really that I have tried in the last 5 years. I do manage to tick over in my job but I have been lucky because its quite relaxed as long as I do my stuff !

I am an associate Professor in Plant cell biology in Biosciences at the University of Nottingham.


I thought it might be helpful for other people to have an update on how I’m progressing. A few weeks ago, I picked up that flu bug which has been doing the rounds (all my family had it), and I threw it off reasonably well. However, it came back (as it did for the rest of the family) and, although I’m OK and managed a load of catering at Easter, I’ve been struggling with my energy levels again and have been inclined to fall asleep if I sit down for a break.

As a consequence, I upped my intake and am beginning to feel stronger and less tired now.


I have 2 children. They are aged 17 and 13 and were diagnosed when they were 11 and 7 years old. Many thanks for the new order form. As you will see from the note I wrote on it, I would be so grateful if you could rush it through as once again, I find we have used them more quickly than I thought in trying to get up to Professor Puri’s recommended intake.

I would really like to avoid the children having to have a break from them. Since they have been on them, we have certainly noticed at least two things:

1) their cognitive abilities seem to have improved in that Maths was always a very difficult one since they both became ill. Whenever they tried to do any Maths, the effort in thinking and trying to work things out actually made them feel much iller and brain fog would descend very quickly.Often this would provoke some of the nastier symptoms of head pains, temperatures etc and feeling very out of it for several hours.

In the last couple of weeks however, both of them wished to try some Maths again as part of their distance learning and we were delighted to find that they were able to do a little bit without going rapidly downhill.In particular our eldest has done some long division which she hasn’t done since she was 11 and has no memory of ever learning, so has had to learn it all over again and she is thrilled to be able to do it!

2) (Touch wood) they have not had as many colds and viruses as they usually have. For instance, last year between January and May 2005 they each had no less than 5 flu-like viruses each and were very ill throughout the winter and spring that year.

This year they have certainly had less. So as you can tell we are very pleased and intend to keep the children on the supplement, funds allowing. I think it is great that you have negotiated the special rates for the supplement for people like us.  

I’m sure you must be busy enough, so please know it is very much appreciated by us. We especially like that money goes towards ME research for every box that is sold, so well done! ==============================================

My story with the supplement is similar to your daughter’s, my sleep is probably deeper and better, I do not wake up so much at night and am slightly fresher in the morning, also my concentration improved slightly, nothing spectacular like other testimonials. I am still very LOW on energy and rather depressed. ==============================================

Dear Lynne

I have had some improvement with the capsules. I am sleeping better and can get up by ten in the morning. I had a little more energy though this has disappeared in this hot weather. My permanent headache is much improved. I find if I am going to do something where I need more energy I increase the basic dose form 2 to 4 capsules for a couple of days.

I am glad I have tried these capsules and have recommended them to others.

Thanks ==============================================

Thanks Lynne,

It’s actually my partner who it’s for.   We saw and spoke to Prof Puri last year at the Brentwood Centre and he advised her. She’s taken it ever since and it certainly has helped.

Regards, P


Hello Lynne, Thank you for the order form and letting me know of the expected delivery. I have been using the supplement for about 14 months now and they have helped me greatly.

Many thanks


I’ve coped better with the heat than I could have dreamed possible – it usually completely wipes me flat. I definitely feel stronger on them and my head’s clearer than what it’s been in years.



Dear Lynne,

Having taken the the supplement for three months and now run out of supplies I wish to reorder a further three months supply.

I have tried numerous products that are supposed to have helped someone, somewhere, but unless the hot weather has had something to do with it I can definitely say that my energy levels and recovery time have been far better since taking these capsules.

Since taking them, parts of the garden have been reclaimed, and I’m currently redecorating our lounge which could well be finished within a fortnight rather than the several years it took to complete the smallest room!

Looking forward to getting back into the routine of pill-popping.

Best wishes



With regards the supplement, I started this last year. On the whole I have not tried any alternative treatments because I have heard of too many people spending too much money and getting nowhere. The scientific research for the supplement seemed different, and if it didn’t work, it was relatively harmless.


Hi Lynne

I haven’t contacted you before because I realise you must be very busy, but saying that, it must be great also to received feedback!

I think this scheme is fantastic and I’m truly appreciative of you for taking the time and trouble to arrange it. I heard about the supplement through my hubby who brought home a press release and also a neighbour whose friend had had great results after six months (he had been very ill for fifteen years and was now ‘better’!!  how could I not try them. obviously money, as always, is an issue but thanks to finding your link through Google I am able to buy them at a discounted price!

I think its always important to have ‘hope’, and that’s what I consider the supplement to be – ‘hope in a jar’.

again, many thanks. F


Dear Lynne

I received information regarding the supplement from a friend who attended a clinic in Caernarfon, North Wales at the same time as me, and he forwarded your order form to me.

He says that he felt better after only taking them for 2 weeks, so I’m hoping for good results. I ordered them for myself on Monday this week and received the order the following day, thank you for the prompt delivery.

This order is for another friend who attended the clinic with us, and I have also forwarded the form to a colleague who’s mother in law also suffers. I will let you know if I feel better after taking them with my next order.

Thank you very much for your kind attention and excellent service.




I must congratulate you on your excellent service. I’ve received the delivery already!

Thanks very much,



Dear Lynne,

I would greatly appreciate details on how to order the supplement. My mother and step father have just started taking this product after finding out about the research with ME. It’s only been 2 weeks but my mums hair looks great, can’t believe it’s so soft especially as she’s so grey!

So I’m hoping that it also helps with their fatigue levels too. Look forward to purchasing this product from you and also helping to raise funds for ME at the same time.



Dear Lynne

well done on the money donated to ME research. When I spoke to you last I expressed concerns over weight gain and the supplement. I am very pleased to say that I have joined Slimmers world and the weight is dropping off. I also mentioned about periods but I think you were right and it is my age.

Congratulations again and I will be placing another order next month


Dear Lynne

Many thanks for your help in receiving my first months supply of the supplement. I have found that my brain fog is beginning to lift in that my vocabulary is returning to normal (if you can use that term). My order arrived today.

I really don’t know how you do it – and I know it is you (not the general co-cooperativeness of the world in general).

Thank you very much. Suzie G


I subscribe to both Action for M.E. and The M.E. Association and the advert was in one of those.

I first started using pure EPA April 2005 and was using Mind first products until October 2005 when I saw Dr Basant Puri, who was giving a talk in Cambridge, I spoke to him at great length afterwards and I converted to the Igennus fish oils. I found that initially the benefit I found with taking the pure EPA oils became apparent within the first week, the mental fogginess i was having.   It definitely increased my quality of life and that of my family!

Many thanks,



Can’t believe how well I feel, I actually felt “tired” the other day, not fatigued, it was a great feeling that I haven’t felt for years.

I know the order usually arrives very quickly, but this one is extra urgent as I have just realised I am going to run out over the weekend and I am away from Friday.




Hi Lynne,

Just to say my order arrived safely today thank you – I am looking forward to starting my “dose” tomorrow! I have suffered for almost 10 years now but by and large have it very well under control these days.

Nevertheless my energy levels are often still significantly compromised and I am very keen to give the supplement a try; I have also recently been suffering from the early stages of osteo-arthritis so am hopeful that this may benefit as well. I heard about the supplement in Prof. Puri’s book which a colleague lent me (her sister has recently been suffering  and had come across the book in her research) and happened upon your own website purely by chance while surfing the internet to see if I could find any way of cutting the prohibitive cost of the tablets.

Naturally I was delighted to find the Vegepa for ME Scheme, particularly given that the significantly reduced cost even includes a donation towards ME research. Over the years I have spent a small fortune on various supplements, acupuncture, homeopathy etc. but eventually achieved a gradual improvement in my condition largely through learning to pace myself and manage the condition.

For a long time now I have taken Evening Primrose Oil and Omega 3 supplements so I will be very interested to see whether replacing these with the supplement has a beneficial effect. I will keep you posted!

Best wishes, Norman


A friend saw an article in a Sunday Newspaper about the supplement in April 2005, After consulting with my Doctor & Consultant I started taking the supplement.

The first improvement I found after only 3 weeks was sleep.  I had full nights restful sleep and slowly improved over the next few months I still had bad days and occasionally nights, but I had more good days, I slowly reduced the capsules to 4 a day and only now increase the dose when I have a really bad patch usually due to a cold. 

The only test that showed any results was a blood test that showed I had had the Flu, so when I catch a cold I go down hill.  I have had a bad patch for the last 2 1/2 months but I am still a lot better than I was 4 1/2 years ago.  Hope this makes sense as brain fog is taking over or is it my age (52). Thanks again


…I’m just so frightened of running out and not having them to take. as you know I went down hill rapidly when I’d been off them for about 3wks was so sure I no longer needed them, as id done marvelous for over a year, anyway I asked your advise if you remember with my first order and for the past month I have started from scratch and have been taking the recommended dose.

I will never stop them again as within 3 days of retaking the supplement I felt different and now I’m back to walking small distances I can also multi-task again, my speech is no longer muddled, and so on and so on.

Each day there’s more improvement, so I can safely say I’m living proof that it does definitely work and at 45 yrs old age has always been against some sort of recovery. I must stress that although I’m a firm believer in the tablets I would always recommend the diet that prof Puri suggests, I worked the two side by side and must say for me as an individual I’ve not looked back. I was just so stupid to believe I could continue without the tabs…………… a

Anyway enough of me just a big thank you to you for your advice you rescued me at a time when I’d hit rock bottom again hadn’t been there for well over 18mths, still on the up now.

I do hope your daughter is improving – its such a debilitating illness, my son has been off work now for almost 4 mths, my heart aches for him as I know only too well what journey he’s about to make, still at 21yrs old at least he has age going for him, I know several youngsters that have suffered but are now fully recovered and leading normal lives,

any way you take care much love and thanks, rosie


Dear Lynne,

I’m always so willing to share my experiences. Before i became ill I was a fully qualified nurse so you can imagine what went thru my mind as I became ill. I thought of all sorts from m.s thru to early senile dementia. Only trouble with my profession we know too much I was petrified no one would listen to me I thought I was going mad.

My brother tried to tell me but I wouldn’t listen. Anyway a year into the illness I was diagnosed and as I’m sure you are aware with your daughter I have tried almost anything and everything that there is available to try to rid myself of this illness.

I have spent pounds and to no avail, except of course your supplement. It’s turned my life around, don’t get me wrong my illness is still by my side but I have learnt to conquer it – not let it conquer me, but I would only recommend the diet as well -what’s the point of paying out for something so expensive and pure, why continue to put additives and all sorts of rubbish into your system?

To me that was defeating the object of the exercise, I’m living proof Lynne that it can enable us sufferers to some sort of ‘normal’ life.

Cheers Jackie


…just wanted to say that i have suffered for the past ten years and have tried many therapies/herbs etc to improve my condition. after only 2 months on the supplement I have noticed a vast improvement and the feeling of hope again.

Rebecca E




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